[Mashups Class] My Final Project

For my final project I decided to build something that I myself needed: a motivational quote API. For quite some time I had been searching the web for a quotes API and I was not able to find anything interesting, so I built one. I did not have any quotes. So I scraped this webpage which contains a list of 150 inspirational quotes. Then I created a database with those quotes.... Read More

[Mashups Class] Ideas for Second Project

For my second project for this class, I have two ideas. I would like to implement one during this week and work on the other when I have more free time. Okay, without further ado here they are. The first idea is to create an interactive map that represents the countries where the NYUAD student body hails from. To implement this idea, I would need a dataset of all the countries represented in the student body.... Read More

[Mashups Class] My Favorite Class Materials So Far

I can’t believe we are already in the middle of this great class, in fact one of my favorite so far. Over the past weeks, we have used a lot of great tutorials/videos and articles as learning materials for the class. All of them were really great. Below is a list of some of my favorites in no particular order. Importance of Color, Font, and Icons: This article provides great tips on how to use colors, font and icons when designing.... Read More

[Mashups Class] First Project: San Francisco Graffiti Explorer

For my first project for the Mashups class , I built a website –available here– that allows the user to explore graffiti spots in San Fransisco. In this article, I’m going to provide some details on how I went about building the project. First of all, let me tell you some of the tools I used in this project. I used the graffiti dataset from DataSF. This data set provides information–including geographic coordinates, status, and a photo when available– about graffiti cases reported in the San Francisco area.... Read More

[Mashups Class] How to set a default value for a function's parameter in Javascript & first project idea

This week my homework has two parts. In the first part, I have to solve the three exercises found at the end of chapter two in the book Eloquent Javascript.In the second part, I have to describe what I’m thinking about doing for my first single page app project, how the data flow might work, and what the experience of a user visiting the site would be like. How to set a default value for function parameter in Javascript The first exercise was to write a loop that makes seven calls to console.... Read More

[Mashups Class] Playing with an open API

As part of my first homework for Mashups: Creating with web API, I had to first find, post and describe an API that returns JSON data. Initial Plan After playing around with a couple of APIs, I decided to use the World Bank API. I like the fact that one does not need a key to make requests to this API. And I also found the documentation to be clear and useful.... Read More