[Mashups Class] My Favorite Class Materials So Far

by Joe Jean | on October 19, 2014 | mashups programming javascript api

I can’t believe we are already in the middle of this great class, in fact one of my favorite so far. Over the past weeks, we have used a lot of great tutorials/videos and articles as learning materials for the class. All of them were really great. Below is a list of some of my favorites in no particular order.

  1. Importance of Color, Font, and Icons: This article provides great tips on how to use colors, font and icons when designing. My biggest takeaway is the human’s mind takes longer to understand a text in Serif than it it takes to understand content displayed in Sans-Serif.

  2. CSS Positioning 101: This article is just priceless. Thanks to it I was finally able to fully understand how to leverage the power of CSS’s position property and its values.

  3. Eloquent JavaScript: This is one of the best JavaScript books I have read. I like to keep going back to it every time I need a refresher on some JavaScript topics.

  4. A re-introduction to JavaScript. This article by the Mozilla Developer Network is a great article that helped me understand some of the best JavaScript features in a clear and concise way.

  5. Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited by Steve Krug: This is hands down the best book I have read on User Experience design.

  6. The Mystery Of The jQuery Object: A Basic Introduction : Great introduction to the JQuery object, the famous $.

  7. JQuery Documentation: Great learning resource for JQuery.

Well, I could spend the entire day listing resources here. As I said, all of the resources we have used for the class are just awesome. In fact, if you are reading this and are not part of the class and you are eager to learn JavaScript web development, I strongly recommend you check out Professor Craig’s repository for the class here.

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